
All the publications sorted by date.
2003 - 2004 - 2005


  • D. Pellier, H. Fiorino. Dialectical Theory for MultiAgent Assumption Based Planning. In Proceedings of the International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent Systems (CEEMAS), Budapest, Hungary, 15-17 September, 2005.
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  • D. Pellier, H. Fiorino. MultiAgent Assumption Based Planning. In Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Edinburgh, Scotland 30 July - 5 August 2005.
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  • D. Pellier, H. Fiorino. Assumption Based Planning. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances In Intelligent Systems - Theory and Application (AISTA), Luxembourg, 25-18 November, 2004.
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  • X. Clerc, D. Pellier, H. Fiorino. Planification multi-agent par cycles de conjecture/réfutation. Dans les actes des Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA), Hammamet, Tunisie, 27-29 novembre 2003.
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