
Here, you will find some softwares that use CoRe Project API.


This is a Taquin or n-puzzle solver. It uses CoRe-planner in order to find a solution.

Click here to run it

It requires Java 1.5.0 or more with Java Webstart.

Preys and Predators

This is a very simple implementation of Preys and Predators game encoded in order to illustrate CoRe-DMS API features: preys (green circles) and predators (red squares) are agents that randomly move around their initial positions situated within a square grid. Preys are captured when they meet predators and the game stops when all the preys are killed.

preys and predators game

The game architecture is as follows (cf. figure): a referee is an agent that controls some preys and predators and corresponds to a Java 1.5 Virtual Machine (Java versions inferior to 1.5 will not work).

preys and predators architecture

As many referees as necessary can be started on one or several computers. At least, one of these referees is the game's master and the other ones are referred as slaves. The role of the game's master is to assess whether or not starting and stopping conditions are reached. It is preferable to start the game's master first.

For instance, click here to start the master. Then click here to start the first slave and the second slave.

Each referee updates a quadtree with the positions of all the agents. Its role is to compute the perception of every controlled agent and to communicate its movements to the other referees. The predators request the preys to stop and inform their referee about their captures. When all the preys of a referee are stopped, this referee requests the master to stop the game and, when all the referees want to stop, the master stops the game.